In the fall of 2007 I made a goal of planting 1000 trees....

“One generation plants the trees; another gets the shade.” – Chinese Proverb

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0004: Sequoia Aptos Blue

The third tree of the day, and the first of three redwoods, was one of two Sequoia sempervirens 'Aptos Blue', or "Aptos Blue Redwood".

Family: Cupressaceae (koo-press-AY-see-ay)
Genus: Sequoia (see-KWOY-uh)
Species: sempervirens (sem-per-VY-renz)
Cultivar: Aptos Blue

sequoia sempervirens aptos blue

The three new redwoods in the row planted along the cattle fence line and the road that runs along the irrigation ditch.

three redwoods in a row

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