In the fall of 2007 I made a goal of planting 1000 trees....

“One generation plants the trees; another gets the shade.” – Chinese Proverb

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0206-0272: Sequoia sempervirens

On January 3rd and 4th, Rick and I joined Forest Unlimited in planting 1460 redwood seedlings in partnership with St. Dorothy's Rest, on St. Dorothy's Rest new land addition. Also joining us over the two days were several of our friends and family! Thanks Karen, Sarah, Nick, Derrick, Nicole, and Lileona!
My personal tree count for the two days, the number I apply to my goal here: 67.

Family: Cupressaceae
Genus: Sequoia
Species: S. sempervirens

Redwood tree Redwood trees Redwood tree Redwood trees Redwood tree Redwood trees Redwood trees Redwood trees
Karen planting redwood tree Ari planting redwood tree

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